on the run

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on the run

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:03:57

英 [ɔn ðə rʌn]

美 [ɑn ði rʌn]

on the run基本解释

奔跑; 逃跑; 忙碌; 奔波


  • 网络解释

1. 逃亡:第一关 逃亡(On the Run) Yog虽然选择了魔法学院进行修炼,但梦想着成为战士的他却时时挥舞着宝剑. 也许,自己选择人生道路的时候到了,Yog决定逃出这个囚笼,而目的地就是Groa城. 本关英雄最高等级9级. 战斗提示:战前选择时最好选Naga,

2. 我很忙:2000年11月1日. (第二版包括全碟其中7首单曲录影带) <>,2001年9月20日. ... 21.周大侠(周杰伦+杜国璋)[功夫灌篮 电影主题曲] 观看 歌词 我很忙(on the run) 国语 2007-11 1.牛仔很忙 2.彩虹

3. 跑着;奔走;奔波:on the road 在旅途中 | on the run 跑着;奔走;奔波 | on the side 作为兼职;另外

  • 临近词
He conveniently failed to show up for the vote, since he could have been arrested immediately afterwards, and is now back on the run.(由于后来他立即被逮捕,虽未能参加投票,但现在却继续回来参加竞选。)
The implemented service is then made available to be assembled to implement the business process, which is then executed on the run time.(然后,已实现的服务可以进行组装,以实现业务流程,接下来业务流程将在运行时上执行。)
Do your runs early in the morning or late in the evening, and make sure that you're staying hydrated on the run.(在清晨或者夜晚跑步,确保跑的过程中保持水分。)
This is based on the Run configuration, and you shouldn't need to change anything.(这是基于运行配置的,并且应当不需要更改任何内容。)
As new evidence about his wife's death emerges, Alex soon finds himself on the run.(在妻子死亡的新证据出现后,亚里克斯很快发现自己被通缉了。)
Some 100 members of the last parliament are now either in jail or on the run.(大约有100名上届议会成员现在要么在监狱中要么在跑路。)
Sara, my colleague, has been on the run all week preparing for her son's wedding.(我的同事萨拉,整个一周都在忙着为儿子的婚礼做准备。)
The red shirts have lost their leaders, who are either in jail or on the run.(红衫军则失去了他们的领导人,这些领导者不是身陷囹圄就是逃亡在外。)
Because a frilled lizard on the run is one of nature's most offbeat, entertaining sights.(因为逃跑中的皱褶蜥蜴是自然界最反传统和娱乐的景观之一。)
Meanwhile James Bond was evidently Christopher Metsos, now on the run from the Cypriot police.(此时,詹姆斯邦德显然是ChristopherMetsos,他现在在躲避塞浦路斯[1]警方的追缉。)
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